Friday, 9 April 2021


The Power of Being a Woman by Michelle Hammond requires a great deal of understanding, an understanding that gives room for a woman to use her God given abilities to the fullest without limitations in this world which includes her family, her career and her service to God. 

The main focus of this book is on a woman’s influence and how God has unique traits peculiar to the female character.

She starts every chapter with an intense poem that generally accentuates what the chapter is about and ends it with a prayer and study questions. The study questions basically helps you remember what you have read in a chapter and not necessarily what you think or your view, so they are more like revision questions. 

The notion that femininity is likened to weakness is false. Michelle in this book talked about the secret of strength in women in the power of influence using the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. 
Michelle started with talking about the fall of man giving an insight on how Adam was influenced by Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit. The story was given in a more relatable scenery emphasizing  details of everyday life. 
It preaches on finding your authentic self and embracing it rather than sulking and trying so hard to be and operate as the opposite gender. This line of thought may contradict a lot of modern theories of equality but I love the fact that the author based her writings on the Word of God and how God instituted the relationship between a man and a woman. 

If you are looking for a book that will tell you how superior a woman is to a man, this is not the book for you because this book explains the necessity of submission and love using the scripture - Husbands love your wives and wives submit to your husbands. The wife totally submitting as the church submits to Christ and the husband loving the wife as Christ loves the church. 

It showcases the uniqueness of women and how they can never be like men because they weren’t created to be so, they were created to be the best  they could, not to cause a conflict of genders. 
A lot of women shrug at the word ‘Submission’. They find it  repulsive to say the least. Michelle made it clear that “life is not a competition but a journey”.  The devil from the get-go has always caused strife between both genders. His sole aim is to bring a division where both genders would drift apart, live in contention in order to stop the purpose of God. The author elaborates on the essence of both genders complimenting each other. 

With feminism taking the media space, a book like this would likely not get the attention it deserves as a result of its emphasis on submission to a man who is a husband. The author appears to  believe that feminism would do more harm than good. She sees a deception in the movement that goes against what God has originally planned for the woman. The author also stated that feminist movements only causes contention between both genders and that is only the agenda of the devil because she clearly has a firm belief in the complimentary existence of men and women. She stated how most feminist movements are masked to lesbian movements, also stating homosexuality and lesbianism are great deceptions from Satan. 

Using the story of Deborah who was respected and followed by many even without acting like a man. She embraced her femininity by being submissive to God and her husband. 
As a Judge, she did not feel threatened by males in her community neither did she abuse her authority over them. Even without the support of a feminist crew, Deborah still ruled and won great feats while embracing her feminity. 

Deborah understood that she was first a woman and  a wife . She understood her spiritual calling which had no relations to whether she be a male or female. It was solely dependent on her being submissive to God and staying in His will. In order for an individuas to walk truly in that revelation of who God has called them to be, they have to be fully submitted to Him. 
The author also talked about the Life of Hannah who when found in a situation of unfruitfulness did not put the blame on anyone but relied solely on God for all her wants. As a woman, God is the only one who can truly satisfy our needs according to Psalm 23 which tells us God is our shepherd and we shall not want. Men exist not to fill a void but to compliment us so we can work together for the good of the Kingdom of God. 

There are a lot of women going into Ministry in these times who have supportive husbands. Being in Ministry as a woman and having a supportive husband who isn’t in Ministry does not make you the spiritual head of your family. You could be the spiritual head of a church but at home, your husband remains the head. It is paramount that there is an understanding concerning these matters. Your husband is your responsibility and should be taken care of before anyone else. That is why the Bible admonishes Bishops to have a peaceful home because God understands and respects the authority that He has given to a husband. 

Michelle's mother was a typical example of a feminine woman. She is married to a typical man who always has the last say in the house. Her mother is a submissive woman who never gets intimidated by the masculinity of her husband. She understood the act of submission and staying under the protection of her husband.  Her submission had a great influence on how her husband treated her. He was loving and always available to assist her(Michelle’s mum). 
Michelle’s mum was not a housewife, she was gainfully employed and still carried out her house chores without  grumbling. Her house was always tidy and they always had food prepared to eat. Michelle complimented her mother's ability to cook all sorts of food and also bake and at the same time keep the house spotless. 

The story of her Mother reminds me of the Proverbs 31 woman who is able to take care of her household. She is handy, productive and submissive. It may seem too much of a thing for a woman to handle but that is how it has been orchestrated. The Bible does not turn a woman to a slave for her husband but rather speaks of complimenting. As a woman is meant to submit, a husband expected to love as well. Love can only be seen in action just as God gave because He loved. A man's love will make him go any length for his wife especially when she submits to his authority. A whole bunch of females will find that statement irky but that is what it is. There is no way of sugar-coating it. 

A man has been created to be the head of his family and his wife to help him be that. A wife is never to doubt or trash his ability as a man ( you married him in the first place). The friction that is being placed between the male and female today is caused by the devil. I believe the devil understands what God has ordained and the power that comes from aligning yourself with it, so intentionally the enemy creates a drift that causes severe opposition between both genders in order to stop them from achieving and being in alignment with God's will.

A visible nature that every woman has been blessed with , the ability to cater for people around her. The nurturing nature of a woman can not be overlooked. It is only natural for a woman to want to take care of the people around her. The author spoke about this in a woman making her home. 

Ever wondered why there is always tension and competition between females? It could either be to get the attention of a man or it could be physical appearance. Most women perceive other women who they deem as attractive as threats.  The list is endless. There is strength and power in sisterhood as the Author said. When women work together in unity and love they can achieve the unimaginable. 

The author in the last chapter gave her revelation on the Proverbs 31 woman and the virtues women should have according to the scriptures. 

This book is for everyone  who desires to understand the capacity that both genders hold. Despite its title “The power of being a woman,”it also gives insight of the peculiarities of masculinity. It gives an understanding of both genders and their interwoven abilities, without the other, balance can not  be achieved.

Staff Writer - Miranda George

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